Monday, September 21, 2009

Meeting Minutes from September 20th

HORIZONS Team Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2009
As recorded by Amanda Rich for Jessica Billings

In Attendance:
Amanda Rich
Paul Nesbitt
Margaret Leonard
Nan Konishi

The event/report-out was discussed. It was held August 28. There was a good turn out, approximately 120 people attended. There were 5 gift certificates awarded in random drawings. Amanda reported that 20 gift certificates were given to Sandy Neriem to distribute to school aged families who are in need, she would also speak with her husband who is the pastor at a local church to see if he knew of community members in need. 5 gift certificates were given to the postmaster to distribute as needed, others were distributed throughout the community. Currently there are 4 left in case any new requests come in.

It was discussed that there was a request made by the Head start advocate for assistance in finding transportation for a young mother in Malden who needs transportation to a grocery store 1X a month. It was agreed that Amanda would look at the community asset inventory information and make some calls to see if we would be able to help with this. Paul agreed to speak with members of the Mens Breakfast to see if any of them would be able to assist.

A canopy and cooler were purchased for the Horizon’s group.

We reviewed the Strategic Action Plan Worksheet, an upcoming date is: Oct. 15 2009, an outcome of beginning a “Hub” with specific goal of gaining understanding and support is to be met.

Amanda brought up “marrying” the Rosalia Performing Arts Center, combining as a 501c3 non-profit group. It was discussed that this could meet all of our goals under one board. Nan stated that she would like us to discuss this further; Paul, Amanda and Margaret agreed to meet on 9-21-2009 at Pinewood Cottage with Walt and Mary Rattenbury to discuss this further.

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