Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Please Participate in the 2009 Rosalia Community Poverty Reduction Survey

The Rosalia Horizons Leadership Team, comprised of your Rosalia neighbors, is beginning to prepare a strategic action plan to reduce poverty through the year 2012. (This is the third and final development step in our 18-month long Horizons community leadership project which began in September 2008). The first step is to survey residents and community members to see what they feel are the most important and promising strategies to adopt. The next, second step will be to hold two community meetings (June 7 & 14 at 6:00pm at the Old Pizza Parlor) to gather additional public input and to write the action plan. Please plan on attending and bring friends/neighbors!

We invite you to take the survey located to your right. All answers are strictly confidential! All input will help us shape the above mentioned Action Plan! Your input is very important and all ideas will be considered in plan development.

This survey is organized around three guiding poverty reduction goals identified by our funder, the Northwest Area Foundation. They include: increased individual assets/wealth among low income people, increased community capacity to achieve sustainable prosperity, and improved public policy solutions to reduce poverty.

Thank you for taking the Community Poverty Reduction Survey.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

There is an update on the actual date of the meetings that were origally to be held on June 7th and 14th (due to community activities) We will not meet those 2 days, but WILL meet on June 20th, from 8:30 to 4:30. We will have donuts and coffee available in the morning, lunch, and snacks in the afternoon. Sorry if this causes confusion, but we wanted to make sure everyone could participate in the Rosalia Battle Days festivities, and the next weekend is graduation weekend...another busy weekend for alot of the community. Please, still plan to attend and bring neighbors and friends! Remember to check out that survey!! Thank you for being part of our community!